Times When FairCash
Comes To Your Rescue
Apply for a personal loan from anywhere. It only takes a few minutes!
Hassle-free,easy to use100% transparentHighest loan amount
The power of human experience & technology - all packed into our app to simplify lengthy processes just with a tapCheck interest rate, total repayment & terms beforehand - leave no room for doubt or surprises!Our credit model generates the best personalized offer for you.
About Us
Users can download and install the instant loan app from the Google Play Store. Borrowers can take instant cash loans anywhere between Rs.2,000 - Rs.50,000 depending upon their profile and credit history. The money is transferred directly into their bank account.
The repayment plan is flexible with borrowers having the option of paying back the money over a period of 6 months along with a nominal interest charge.
FairCash does not require its users to provide collateral or physical documents. You can simply upload a handful of documents on the app to register, get approved and start availing an instant personal loan.
The loans are disbursed through "FairCash" by "KUMBHAT FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED" an RBI registered NBFC.